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         You need to add TDPW parameter in QE input file.
         All parameter of TDPW are wrote in NAMELIST: &CONTROL.

QE/TDPW Default value Function
QE calculation = “scf” Set calculation = “md” for TDDFT md simulation
QE ion_dynamics = “verlet” “verlet” for NVE
QE nbnd = DFT: Number of electronic states (bands) to be calculated.
TDDFT: Number of adiabatic basis \(N_b\).
TDPW tddft_is_on = T .True. Wavefunctions evolve by TDDFT
.False. by DFT, which result is same with QE
TDPW diagonSteps = 2 Diagon (DFT) steps before TD propagation
TDPW edt = 1.00000 \(\Delta t = t_2 -t_1\) for the calculation of \(\mathbf{U_k}(t_2,t_1)\),
in Rydberg atomic units (1 a.u.=4.8378 * 10^-17 s )
QE dt = 1.00000 For ions. If you want to fix atoms, set dt=0,
else set dt=edt
QE nstep = 1 Number of molecular-dynamic steps performed in this run. Total time is nstep*edt
TDPW mstep = 500 \(\Delta t\) is divided into \(N_t\) (i.e. mstep) patrs,
\(dt =\frac{ \Delta t}{N_t}\) is electron timestep in TD evolve
TDPW nwevc = 0 Each nwevc steps, punch data to
TDPW TDDebug = F .True. print debug information to screen
TDPW td_current_K = F .True. Output Current at each band,kpoint, label for old version is current_k
TDPW6.6 use_tdks = F The way to calculate \(\rho(t_2)\). See Charge density
TDPW6.4 rho_debug = F The way to calculate \(\rho(t_2)\). See Charge density
TDPW td_ht = 0 The way to build \(H_{\mathbf{k}}(t)\).
td_ht = 0, See Eq 10 in Propagation in adiabatic basis
td_ht = 1 : \(H_{\mathbf{k}}(t) = H_{\mathbf{k}}(t_1)\)
td_ht = 2 : \(H_{\mathbf{k}}(t_2)\).
When use_tdks=T, it is recommended to set td_ht=2
TDPW cal_pop0 = T By default, the projection of the basis vector to the initial moment is not output
TDPW td_constrained = T Specify the occupancies of each KS orbitals during the DFT simulation, instead of using the default Fermi-Dirac distribution(Read from pwscf.td_constrained.dat)
TDPW enwevc = N, punchks/punchtdks = T contains the KS/TDKS wave functions output at every N steps
TDPW td_current = T .True. the current calculation at k point
TDPW use_tdks = T .True. the contribution of the tdks cross term to the charge density(Tips:It is also recommended to set td_ht=2 to improve convergence)
TDPW tefield = T ,Gaugefield = F Length Gauge
TDPW Gaugefield = T Velocity Gauge
TDPW td_outputD = T .True. Dipole calculation
TDPW td_outputL = T .True. Angular Momentum calculation
TDPW current_debug = T .True. Current output when considering SOC calculation
TDPW &SYSTEM B_field(i) = 0.1, i = 1,3 Application of external magnetic field
TDPW td_outputS=T .True. Magnetic moment output for each KS/TDKS wave function at noncolinear cases
TDPW td_outputF=T .True. Force output for each atom
TDPW TDDFT reads the Occupations