TDPW will print important information to screen during TD simulation.
Run parameter
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Any question, Please contact cndaqiang@IOP
ಥ_ಥ PAW is too hard for me ಥ_ಥ
ಥ_ಥ SOC need to rewrite ಥ_ಥ
TDPW: input parameters
QEPW: calculation = md
QEPW: ion_dynamics = verlet
TDPW: tddft_is_on = T
TDPW: suddenChangeFix = T
TDPW: diagonSteps = 1
TDPW: edt = 4.00000
QEPW: dt = 4.00000
QEPW: nstep = 311
TDPW: mstep = 1000
TDPW: scissor(Unknow) = 0.00000
TDPW: screen = F
TDPW: nwevc = 0
TDPW: TDDebug = F
QEPW: diago_full_acc = T
TDPW: Debug parameters
TDPW: tdSmethod(100) = 100
TDPW: TDChangexk(BUG) = F
TDPW: TDg2_kin = T
TDPW: TDinit_us_2 = F
TDPW: norm_prod = F
TDPW: current_debug = F
TDPW: current_K = F
TDPW: td_Big_MeM = F
TDPW: [ td_i_pi ] = F
TDPW: td_nbeadstot = 1
TDPW: [td_nbeads(UseInTd)]= 1
TDPW: [td_i_pi_useimage]= F
TDPW: td_cover_ks_ipi(BUG)= F
Run step
MD step and DFT(Diagon) or TDDFT(Evolve) apprach in this step.
MD step ( callLastDiagon ) = 1 )
MD step ( Evolve ) = 6 )
Detail in each MD step
- Vector potential \(\mathbf{k_A}\)
TDPW: gauge field is -0.000851 0.000000 0.000000
- Current \(\psi_{\gamma \mathbf{k} }( \mathbf{G},t)\), i.e.
\(J_{tdks} = \sum_{\gamma, \mathbf{k}} w_\mathbf{k} q_{\gamma \mathbf{k}} \left \{ \left \langle \psi_{\gamma \mathbf{k} }( \mathbf{G},t) | \frac{1}{\sqrt{2m}} \hat{\mathbf{P}} | \psi_{\gamma \mathbf{k} }( \mathbf{G},t) \right \rangle - \left \langle \psi_{\gamma \mathbf{k} }^{\ast }( \mathbf{G},t) | \frac{1}{\sqrt{2m}} \hat{\mathbf{P}} | \psi_{\gamma \mathbf{k} }^{\ast }( \mathbf{G},t) \right \rangle \right \}\), where \(w_\mathbf{k}\) is kweight, \(q_{\gamma \mathbf{k}}\) is the occupation at time-dependent Kohn-Sham (TDKS) state \(\psi_{\gamma \mathbf{k} }( \mathbf{G},t)\)
TDPW: current_jtdks is 0.292168 0.588999 0.000482